You Need to Know: The Climate Change – iRiverAmerica
Climate change manifests in several different ways such as intense heat, floods, and raging storms to name a few. Climate change is directly affecting the planet and all its inhabitants.
The term climate is defined as the weather conditions of a geographical area over several years. For instance, in the United States, the climate of Maine is cold during Winter while Florida’s is tropical all year.
Climate change refers to a significant change in the average conditions of weather. Different areas across the world may start becoming wetter, warmer, or drier over the years.
It is this long-term trend or effect that differentiates natural weather from climate change.
It’s important to keep in mind that climate change and global warming are not the same. Global warming refers to the rising of temperatures near the earth’s surface. And it is part of climate change.
Measuring Climate Change
Meteorological stations, satellites, and ocean buoys are often used to monitor the weather and climate of specific geographical areas.
Also, natural sources such as tree rings, lake sediments, and ice cores have enabled researchers and scientists to extend the earth’s climatic history.
These records have made it possible for scientists to analyze the long-term effects in the ocean, atmosphere, land surface and frozen water. Scientists use this information to predict climate trends in the future with great accuracy.
Causes of Climate Change
The climate system operates simply and mechanically. When the sun’s energy is reflected into space by ice and clouds, or when the atmosphere releases energy, the planet cools down.
So, what happens when earth absorbs heat from the sun and atmospheric gases fail to release the heat from the earth to space? The planet gets warm and this affects both natural and artificial activities.
1. Natural Causes
As you probably know, the earth has undergone both warm and cool phases since it came to be. This is long before humans started walking on this planet.
According to, some of the natural forces that have contributed to climate change include volcanic eruptions, greenhouse gas concentration and the intensity of the sun.
However, records show that climate warming has been happening at a rapid rate since the mid-20th century thanks to natural causes. NASA reports that these forces are still active today but the effects are not great.
2. Anthropogenic causes
The greenhouse gases that are emitted by human beings are the leading cause of the earth’s rapid climate change. Greenhouse gases play a key role in keeping the earth warm for the survival of inhabitants.
However, the amount of these gases has gone up in recent years. Researchers have reported that gases such as nitrous oxide, carbon dioxide, and methane have increased exponentially today like never before.
The burning of fuels like coal and gas for heat, transportation, and electricity is the primary source of greenhouse emissions.
Students studying climate change will discover that by reading interesting persuasive essay topics, deforestation has been a leading activity greenhouse emissions which releases carbon into the air.
Also, air pollution is generated by other activities such as livestock production, use of fertilizer and industrial processes.
Although the forests and oceans are responsible for absorbing greenhouse gases from the atmosphere, they simply can’t keep up with the rising rate of emissions. This has resulted in the buildup of these gases which are affecting natural and human activities on the planet.
Failing to solve the problem of climate change has resulted in mass destruction through extreme weather (too much rain, heat, and storms) leading to droughts, storms, and wild-fires that damage property and pollute the air.
Air pollution has been brought about by soot levels and allergenic air pollutants. All these factors increase the risk of disease and death.
Today, approximately 300 million people have respiratory health issues. It’s time we started implementing the solutions to save ourselves and the planet.
By planting trees, championing for clean energy such as wind and solar and using public transport as much as possible, we prevent disaster. As the popular saying goes, prevention is better than cure.
We shouldn’t wait until the very last minute to start the implementation process. Solving the problem of climate change will not only benefit us but also the next generations. It’s time to stop doing things for personal gain while harming the planet.
Author Bio
Nicholas Walker is a professional editor and writer. He loves inspiring people to conserve the environment and planet by using simple and practical ways.
During his free time, you’ll find him volunteering in different countries or walking his dog.