Education, like almost any other area of our society, has changed dramatically in recent years. Traditional teaching methods, based mainly on explaining the topic by the teacher and taking notes by the students, can still be useful in some cases.

However, contemporary education requires arousing curiosity and a desire to study in students. Do you want to find out where to order cheap college essays? Click here!

At present, the traditional methods of storytelling and going through new material provide worse results than using up-to-date technology and revolutionary teaching methods.

Obviously, the degree to which teachers are successful in using tech for learning depends to some extent on their ability to combine modern pedagogical and technological approaches.

The integration of tech in the educational process makes learning not only exciting and informative but also more intense.

The intersection of different subject areas in an integrated education contributes to the formation of a comprehensive picture of the surrounding world in students.

This kind of schooling is an organization of the learning process with binary training sessions, as well as classes providing trans-disciplinary communication.

Difficulties in Introducing Technology

Adopting technology assumes the use of different technological resources — PCs, laptops, smartphones and tablets, cameras, various software and apps, social media, etc. Today the widespread use of tech in educational institutions is associated with some pressing issues:

  1. Educational institutions have a lot of computers, although they are often technically obsolete. The effectiveness of their use in the learning process is minimal. Devices are mainly used for storing documents and serving as training tools during computer science lessons.
  2. The teachers have accumulated a large number of educational materials, which are not available to other instructors. The methods worked out by teachers are not gathered in one or a couple of available databases. Also, the benefits of sharing teaching information between educational institutions are not used. Modern technologies should be as accessible as possible not only for students but also for teachers.
  3. The preparation of interactive sessions using a computer often is a duty of software experts, and you won’t find them among teachers. Instructors usually know only their disciplines along with the methodology for presenting it to students. Another reason teachers rarely do this is the absence of a convenient and easy-to-use training environment. To get a high-quality digital product, a specialist in a particular field has to collaborate with professional programmers and psychologists.
  4. Students are often passive participants during sessions. They do not take part in creating and updating educational material with teachers. Computer training courses rarely feature good feedback from pupils. It is essential to provide a connection between students and instructors. It will help not only to improve the quality of acquired knowledge but also supplement the course itself with new materials and techniques, and increase the creative initiative of students too.
  5. Software, not shaped to a particular academic subject, with a convenient user interface for preparing classes, and without a need for programming is typically absent in educational institutions. The development of computer technology, the rise of multimedia, and toolkits enable to create educational apps that would take into account individual features of each learner. Thereby, the level of material mastery and motivation can be increased.
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Models of Educational Technologies

Teachers should use different models of schooling technology for productive and meaningful integration.

The SAMR model, created by Ruben Puentedura in 2006, includes four levels of integration — substitution, augmentation, modification, and redefinition.

Substitution and augmentation are at the “enhancement” level of the learning process, while both modification and redefinition refer to the “transformation” level.

This model provides a guide on the process of how instructors can integrate technology into their classes to impact learning and teaching.

Such a model encourages teachers to move up from the enhancement to the transformation level to maximize the potential benefits of using technology.

On the enhancement level, technology acts as a substitute with or without functional improvement (i.e., substitution and augmentation).

On the transformational level, technology is used to redesign tasks and create teaching materials that were not possible previously.

The SAMR model can help instructors evaluate how tech can be fully utilized to transform the students’ learning experience.

TPACK or Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge is a framework offered by Lee Shulman.

It helps teachers to examine how their domains intersect to effectively form a teaching method and engage students in using tech.

It is an approach that combines what teachers know and how they teach using tech to impact the students better.

This method lies at the intersection of the pedagogical and digital areas and aims at the engagement of students.

It includes approaches for addressing different learning styles and exploring content for deeper understanding.

The framework helps assess the teachers’ grasp of content pedagogy and technology, consider which areas they feel confident about and which they can improve.

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The TPACK model can assist in reaching high levels of technology integration and recognizing how students can learn better.


It is essential to keep in mind that the ultimate aim of tech implementation is to maximize learning opportunities, not just to master the technology itself.

Currently, it is vital to thoroughly review how the learning process takes place and implement all the useful tools that teachers could use.

Thus, carefully designed schooling with clear learning goals is the key to integrate modern technology successfully.

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