When looking for the best online PDF converter tool on the internet, what features do you usually look for?

Is it reliability or usability? Is it file security? Whatever it may be, it is nothing compared to the online PDF converter we are talking about.

It is regarded as one of the best online PDF converter tools you will ever find on the internet. So, what are we talking about, you ask?

What we are talking about is GoGoPDF. Haven’t you heard about it?

If you have, you already know what GoGoPDF can do for all your PDF-related needs, right?

For those who haven’t, then you are in for a surprise. We will give you some of the best features that GoGoPDF offers that will surely make you change your mind about your go-to converter tool.


GoGoPDF is a free web-based converter tool that can be accessed directly just by using your web browser.

There’s no need for you to download or install any software, application, or any third-party program on your device.

What does this mean? It means that your device is less susceptible to virus or malware that usually comes with the installation or download of various apps from the internet.

GoGoPDF offers about 20 tools that you can freely enjoy, access, and use anytime and anywhere you want, given that you are connected to an internet connection.

The file formats they offer are PPT, Excel, HTML, PNG, JPG, Word, and they also offer reverse conversion.

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The other tools that they offer are PDF split, compress, merge, repair, protect, delete and add page numbers to PDF, and many more.

GoGoPDF Best Features

Customer Service Representatives

This is perhaps the most amazing feature that GoGoPDF has.

Only a few online PDF converter tools offer this kind of feature.

This is why GoGoPDF stands on top of any other online PDF converter tool you will ever find on the internet.

Whatever problem you may encounter while using their tools and services, their customer service representatives are more than happy to assist you with any task you have for the day.

If you have trouble navigating the website or with the tools, you can directly message GoGoPDF’s customer service team, and they will assist you right away.

This makes your experience on the platform much easier, quicker, and more efficient.

As they are committed to improving their services to give their users a much better experience, they welcome any feedback or comments you may have regarding their platform.


We might have mentioned that GoGoPDF is a free online PDF converter tool.

Yes, GoGoPDF is free to use. However, that doesn’t directly mean that they don’t offer a paid subscription to its users.

Choosing to upgrade your account to a Pro version will give you so many benefits and advantages on others.

For example, you will get priority whenever you want the customer service team to assist you with your daily tasks, process, convert, edit as many files as you want at any given time.

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This is best for anyone who is always in a rush. Additionally, if you want to remove all those annoying pop-up ads, upgrading your GoGoPDF account to a Pro version is the answer to your problem.

File Safety

The first thing that any person looks for in an online PDF converter tool is whether their files would be safe and secure as their files may hold some sensitive information about the owner that is only exclusive to the owner’s eyes, right?

Luckily for us, GoGoPDF has one of the best security measures you will ever find. 

They have installed SSL encryption technology to guarantee that your files are encrypted and secure any personal data that you transmit on the internet.

GoGoPDF does not keep any security code, credit card numbers, or even your files, so no one can pry on and possibly steal information from you. 

One might even argue that using the incognito mode on your browser is sufficient, and you can just use any other online PDF converter tool you can find on the internet, right?

You can never be more wrong about something. What incognito mode does is that it conceals you from yourself and keeps your browser history hidden.

It technically does nothing when talking about your security or privacy.


All in all, we guess it’s safe to say that GoGoPDF is much superior and better in all aspects compared to other online PDF converter tools. Why?

We’ve already mentioned the features that make them the best.

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