5 Benefits of Website Animation – iRiverAmerica
The use of website animation is one of the main trends in website creation.
It makes an effect of real communication between clients and the system. In modern animation of websites there are different trends, and all they are rather meaningful.
How do you know if the animation is needed?
If your site is deadly boring, the user does not understand what he needs to do or does not notice the big red buttons at close range, it is time to change something.
Of course, a resource with poor usability or poor design cannot be saved with flying birds.
It is worth initially allocating enough time, effort, and money to create a site to upgrade it with animation and get a platform with the most pleasant user experience.
A separate mention is the issue of the speed of loading pages of a web resource.
CSS animations are often used for preloaders, which help to reduce the time before the user’s “first contact” with content, which significantly reduces the bounce rate.
A lot of people just close the tab if the site takes longer than three seconds to load. Animation can help or aggravate the situation, depending on the professionalism of the performer.
Animations for a website to increase conversion
Using animation is thin ice. It can make the site more coherent, more modern, help to navigate, and act as an excellent assistant in improving usability.
At the same time, the abundance of effects is likely to disorient the user or divert all attention to himself.
It’s not enough just to make animation on the site – it is important that the effects complement and support the idea, and not distract from the content and the goal that the person pursued by clicking on the link.
A separate mention is the issue of the speed of loading pages of a web resource.
CSS animations from Fireart studio are often used for preloaders, which help to reduce the time before the user’s “first contact” with content, which significantly reduces the bounce rate.
A lot of people just close the tab if the site takes longer than three seconds to load.
Animation can help or aggravate the situation, depending on the professionalism of the performer.
Impact on usability
Creating animations for a website is a process that should take place under the slogan: “Not harm”.
Complementing the picture with subtle details – transitions, pulsations, the appearance of a shadow, or otherwise adding interactivity, you can arouse the visitor’s interest and a sense of integrity, completeness.
Website design animation for advertisement
Video, whether filmed or animated, is and will always be the number one decision.
In my opinion, any client today, and especially in the future, needs a video displayer that describes the business.
The task is to describe a complex array of information in a short time with the maximum immersion of the user’s attention.
The user is overloaded with visual noise, scrolling of sites, skips information, even if it is well presented.
Video has no competitors when it comes to human attention per unit of time.
The format of an animated video can be different: 2D, more complex 3D-animation, a combination of 2D and 3D, and combinations with the captured video.
There are many options, the main thing is that the video should solve a specific problem.
Animated logo to highlight style
An animated logo is appropriate when the page loads, to brighten up the moment of waiting for the user and introduce him to the brand.
In addition to the traditional loading indicator with a slider or percentage, you can use a logo and a movable colour shutter.
Animated logo – communication with the brand. The elements of the logo animation tell more about the brand and company.
Dynamics can show how we quickly change and adapt, or our speed and responsiveness, and smooth lines – about the sequence of our actions and deliberate decisions.